I am on vacation visiting my family in Boston and will be gone for two Sundays. Once again Father Pete Logsdon, CSC will be filling in for me. Please give him a big St. A’s welcome. Father Pete and I were in the seminary together and served the Church for many years in the South and then in Mexico together. He is the assistant superior at Holy Cross House at Notre Dame. Today he will also be our annual missionary preacher and will take up a second collection for the Holy Cross Mission Center. Please see the blurb above and please be generous to our Holy Cross Missions.
Every year we plan our Parish Picnic as close to the Feast of St. Augustine as possible. Plan ahead and mark your calendar for Sunday, August 25, 2019 at the Berta Pavilion in St. Patrick’s Park from 12:30 – 6 PM.
Lectors and Extraordinary Holy Communion Ministers, please remember to pick up our lists for July – December.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us the story of the good Samaritan. This is in answer to the question “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus tells us that we are all in this life together. Even enemies and strangers are our neighbors. The Samaritans and Jews were enemies, yet the several Jews passed by the beaten Jewish man and only the Samaritan stopped to help him. Jesus tells us “Go and do the likewise.”
This is emphasized in the second reading: “Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God, all things were created through him and for him. He is the head of the body, the church.”
Let us continue to pray for peace in the world. Let us also pray for vocations to the church. Let us pray for the sick of the parish. Let us pray that all will come to respect life. Let us pray for one another and for the canonization of Father Tolton. Let us also pray for those who are victims of sexual abuse and mass shootings.
A Father Tolton Prayer:Father in Heaven, Father Tolton’s suffering service sheds light upon our sorrows; we see them through the prism of your Son’s passion and death. If it be your Will, O God, glorify your servant Father Tolton, by granting the favor I now request through his intercession (mention your request) so that all may know the goodness of this priest whose memory looms large in the Church he loved. Complete what you have begun in us that we might work for the fulfillment of your kingdom. Not to us the glory, but glory to you O God, through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are our God, living and reigning forever and ever. Amen.
Good News
It was announced in the Vatican that Pope Francis accepted - the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Augustine Tolton, Diocesan Priest; born in Brush Creek (United States of America) on April 1, 1854 and died in Chicago (United States of America) on July 9, 1897. This means that Father Tolton now can be called Venerable. The next step is Beatification. For this a miracle approved by the Vatican is needed. So, keep those prayers coming!