On this Trinity Sunday we are asked to meditate and think about God. Jesus revealed God as the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God with three Divine Persons. Just think how many times a day you bless yourself saying: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Each time you are invoking God's blessing upon the world. May God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless us all.
We certainly need God's blessings in these troubled times. The corona virus has sicked and killed thousands through out the world. May God deliver us from this scourge. May God also deliver us from the scourge of racism as well. There is one God and each of us is made in God's image and likeness. However, many of us can not see this. May the words of "Amazing Grace" come true so we can all sing: I was blind but now I see.
Today is also Cancer Survivors' Day. Let us give thanks for all cancer survivors and continue to pray for those with cancer.
Last week Don Wycliff wrote an article for the Chicago Tribune on racism. Try to look it up on line. It is really worth reading. Thank you, Don.