I am writing this on May 1st, when we celebrate St. Joseph, The Worker. This celebration was added to the liturgical calendar back in 1955 by Pope Pius XII. It was an attempt by the Pope to redirect May Day, which was started by the Communists and celebrated in many parts of the world. It simply reminds us that both Saint Joseph and Jesus were carpenters and so identified with workers. It is also the first day of May, the month of Mary. I noticed a while back that the big Mary statue in church still wears the crown our children put on her last May. Let's ask Mary and Joseph to pray for us and help us through these trying times.
This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Easter. It is also a World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Church. In our Gospel on Sunday we have one of the many images of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. In a round about way, Jesus talks to us about prayer. "He walks ahead of them (his sheep), and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice." He also says "I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly." When we follow Jesus, we pray by talking and listening to him and then living as he wants us to.
In our first and second readings, we hear from Saint Peter. In the first reading his preaching is so powerful that "about three thousand persons were added that day (to the church)." In the second reading he writes about Jesus' sacrifice: "He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds we have been healed."
Thank you once again to all who have been sending in their tithes. The Soup Kitchen continues Monday, Wednesday and Friday and our St. Vincent de Paul Society continues to bring food to the hungry. I had the Heating and A/C checked. One of the units needs to be replaced. I have contracted to have that done for $3,600.00. As I said before the virus hasn't stopped our bills.
Like all of you in Indiana, I'm waiting to hear what the governor proposes this afternoon and then to see what the bishop decides we should do. Never the less, stay health and careful. That goes for those of you in Michigan as well. Pray for Francine Henley and her daughter, who do have the virus and also for Pat and Rex Marvel's family as the virus is in the family of one of their children.