The Annual Bishop's Appeal has surpassed our goal. Thank you to those who have pledged. For those still considering their pledge, please pray over it and remember that all the money sent in over our goal is sent back to the parish. Needless to say it is better to be over the goal, since at times something comes up and some people can't pay their pledge. Thank you once again for being so generous.
Pope Francis has called a Synod of Bishops for 2023. He asks all the dioceses in the world to hold listening sessions to let the bishops of the world know what the grassroots is thinking. Please see Cheryl Ashe for more info on this.
Hank Mascot has given us a statue of Saint Augustine. Thank you, Hank. He worked on it for 3 years from a piece of wood from the Dillon's backyard. The dedication last Sunday brought many former parishioners together with great joy. With the help of Annie Tardy, the statue has been placed in the foyer. Enjoy!
The Notre Dame Federal Credit Union once again made a much appreciated gift of $5,000.00 to the parish. Diane Freeby, their ELEVATE Liaison, came by with the check and met with me and the Harris' to explain their ELEVATE program. This is a program where they donate to the parish when a parishioner meets with them and opens a new auto loan or debit or credit card. If you are doing either with the NDFCU be sure to mention the parish. A Third offering sounds really good. It is called a financial check up and it is free. For a 30 minute meeting with their representative, they will help you understand better your finances. They will also donate $150.00 to the parish in your name. For more info call them at 844-230-6611 or email them at [email protected].
As we near the end of the Liturgical Year, which ends next week with the celebration of Christ the King, our readings point to the end of the world. In our first reading the Prophet Daniel tells us: "it shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time. At that time your people shall escape, everyone who is found written in the book." It will be a terrible time but there is hope of salvation for the good. Jesus says the same thing in today's Gospel. It will be a tough time but then Jesus will return in the clouds and will gather all the good to himself from the four corners of the earth. The conclusion of the Gospel tells us: "But of the day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." We do know from the second reading that Jesus is our High Priest, seated at the right hand of the Father because he offered one sacrifice of himself on the cross for our sins. We can rejoice with our Responsorial Psalm: "You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever."
We continue to have Sunday Mass at 8:15 and 10:30 AM. If you are not vaccinated, we ask you to wear a mask. If you are vaccinated, you don't need one but certainly can wear one if you are more comfortable doing so. If you are ill, please stay home and watch our Mass on our web page later in the day. We do have Children's Church during the 10:30. The Sacraments Class is at 9:30 AM as is the Good Shepherd Program. The Confirmation Class meets on Tuesdays at 6:45 PM in the hall. The Soup Kitchen is open MWF 11 AM - 12:30 PM. Our Saint Vincent de Paul still brings food to the shut ins. We are always looking for more volunteers for both.