A few announcements: Mass Schedule … The president of our Parish Pastoral Council, Alfred Guillaume, and I have decided to keep the one Sunday Mass at 9:30 through the month of September so that the Parish Pastoral Council can have a discussion about it at their meeting in mid-September.
Statue of our Blessed Mother … The statue that was stolen from our worship space was anonymously returned last week. Once the security system is fully installed, the statue will be returned to a place in the worship space where our Blessed Mother can always be before us.
Special Collection … On August 25 there is a collection for the Catholic University of America. The monies from this collection underwrite scholarships to assist financially deserving students in completing their education at CUA in over 30 disciplines. There is a special envelope in your packets, or you can place a check in the regular collection with “CUA” written on the memo line. THANK YOU for your generosity!
Rest In Peace … May the soul of Ed Baer, who died this week, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace! Mobile Key … Employees, Soup Kitchen volunteers, and St. Vincent de Paul Society volunteers who need access to the parish for their ministry have been in the process of meeting with Micah Towery or Dan Mandell to download the app for the mobile key to the parish center door. If you fall into one of those categories, and haven’t met with Micah or Dan to download the key, please see either after Mass on Sunday and they will walk you through the very quick and easy process. You will need to have your phone with you! The plan is to rekey the glass doors the first week of September, which will then render all existing keys unusable.
Parish Picnic … Will be held on Sunday from 1:00 – 6:00 pm.
Where: St. Patrick’s County Park (Laurel Road north of Auten Road) --- The Berta Shelter. St. Augustine’s pays for the park entry fee. Tell the guard at the gate that you are with St. A’s.
Time: We will eat at 1:30. Food will be served until 3:00. Food: St. A’s will provide chicken, pop and water. Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share.
A few more details… *Bring any games that you might want to play. Also, there are hiking trails if anyone is interested.
***Volunteers are needed to help clean up after the picnic. *** The Shelter area must be clean in order for our deposit to be returned.
Please text Denisa Lynk if you would like to help: 574-210-6867.
Maintenance Committee … Met for the first time this week. I’m grateful to Nora Geissler (chairperson), Peter Smith, John Houk, Alfred Guillaume, and Andrew Garvey for their willingness to be a part of this group.
Landscaping … This week all of the shrubbery around the parish was trimmed.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd … Dear Parents, Please email Sarah Kulwicki by Monday Aug 26 if you would like your child to participate in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd atrium sessions this school year. Level I (ages 3-6) and Level II (ages 6-9) are available. Sessions will be the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month from 9:30-10:30 from September through May (exception for April due to Easter). This program is most beneficial to the child with full attendance.
We welcome new parishioner, Alexis Duffy to the St Augustine’s atrium team!
Catechists: Sarah Randall (Level I) Felicia Metoyer (Level I)
Assistant: Francine Henley (Level I + II)
Subs: Sarah Kulwicki (Level I + II) Alexis Duffy (Level I + II + Toddler)
Jubilee Anniversary Mass and Reception … All couples who are celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 65th, or 70th wedding anniversary this year, along with their families, are invited to attend the Jubilee Anniversary Mass with Bishop Rhoades on Sunday, Sept. 8, at 11 a.m. at St. Matthew Cathedral. A ticketed reception will follow in the school gym. Anniversary couples will receive a commemorative certificate and two free tickets to the reception. Additional reception tickets for family and friends may be purchased for $10 each. Children ages 10 and younger may attend the reception at no charge. To register, go to diocesefwsb.org/anniversary-masses.
Taizé Service … A diocesan-wide Taizé Service will be held at 7:30 p.m. on September 19 at St. Matthew Cathedral. Join Bishop Rhoades and fellow Catholics praying for the upcoming Synod on Synodality being held at Vatican City during the month of October.
St. Augustine Men’s Group … is an anonymous gathering for those men who struggle with sexual addiction. For more information visit diocesefwsb.org/Augustine or email [email protected] … Brochures are located on the table in the gathering space. This is a diocesan group and NOT a parish ministry. Confidentiality is assured!
Pope’s Intention for the Month of August … For political leaders. We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs.
Saints of the Week … St. Monica (August 27) and St. Augustine (August 28). St. Monica died in 387 at Ostia (Italy). She was born in Tagaste in Roman Africa (now Souk Abras, Algeria). St. Monica spent 30 years praying for the conversion of her husband, under the guidance of St. Ambrose. She also prayed for the conversion of her son, St. Augustine. She’s the patron saint of mothers.
St. Augustine died in 430 in Hippo Regius (now Annaba, Algeria). He, like his mother, was born in Tagaste. After a dissolute life he was baptized by St. Ambrose at 33 years of age. He was elected bishop of Hippo Regius and is noted for his extensive writings. St. Augustine is considered the founder of monastic life in the West. He founded the Order of St. Augustine, today numbering some 2500 religious. St. Augustine is one of the four great “Doctor’s of the Latin Church.” He’s the patron saint of our parish.