Brothers and Sisters in Christ –
I love the season of Advent. The readings from sacred Scripture, the lighting of the Advent Wreath, the spiritual journey with Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist, and the shorter days leading us to the Solemnity of the Incarnation of Christ. All of this encourages me to spend a little more time in quiet contemplation of my faith and relationship with the Lord.
Unfortunately, the Advent Season always falls during some of the busiest days and weeks of my year. This week found me teaching my last class of the semester. On Tuesday my students will take their final exam. I have their last paper to correct in addition to the exams before issuing grades. My great uncle (God rest his soul), a devout Catholic and daily Mass goer, would say, “All a priest has to do every day is say Mass.” Oh, how I often wish that were true as it would give me more time for prayer, silence, and contemplation.
I was reading an article this week on the Catholic website, Crux. It was on the pastor of Gaza’s lone Catholic parish stressing to his parishioners the importance of stepping up one’s spiritual life among the tragedies of war. As I contemplated this week’s column, I decided to follow his example and stress to you, my parishioners, the importance of stepping up your spiritual lives this Advent.
I assisted with three Penance Services this past week. On Monday I was at St. Joseph Parish for their Advent Penance Service, on Tuesday I was at Christ the King Parish for First Reconciliation, and on Thursday I was at Holy Cross Parish for school confessions. It’s always a blessing, as a priest, to hear confessions, offer some spiritual counsel, remind the penitent of God’s mercy, and absolve them from their sins. It’s truly humbling being a part of one’s spiritual journey.
During these busy days and weeks, we all need to find some time to quiet down and step up our spiritual lives. I’m not telling you that you need to find an hour to sit in prayer. I do encourage you to find a few more minutes to just pause and “check in” with the Lord. Let me offer a few examples of my own spiritual practices. When I get into the car, before I turn on the radio, I have a chat with God. When I wake up, before I jump out of bed and start the day, I say a brief prayer asking God to keep me focused on Him and my blessings throughout the day. Before closing my eyes, I end the day going through what took place, my blessings, the challenges, and I thank God for how I’ve grown in holiness and ask forgiveness for my sinfulness.
Our world is overwhelming. The news cycle focuses on tragedy after tragedy. What we’re missing is a focus on all the good that’s being done. How are people impacting each other’s lives? How are charities reaching out to those in need? How are Christians being a light in the world’s darkness?
As we begin the Second Week of Advent, I invite you to find a little extra time with God. Examine your life. Ask for the strength to be a faithful Christian bringing some of God’s light into our struggling world. Pray for each other. Be inspired by the holiness of our ancestors in the faith. And find a way this Advent to follow in the sacred footsteps of the saints.
Happy 2nd Week of Advent!
A few announcements:
Second Collection this Weekend is the Retirement Fund for Religious … Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests—collectively known as women and men religious—have selflessly served for decades without significant financial compensation. However, due to escalating health-care costs, numerous U.S. religious communities face a substantial gap between their elderly members’ needs and the financial resources available for their care. Many religious orders currently experience insufficient retirement savings.
In response, each year the National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) coordinates this national appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious and distributes financial assistance for retirement needs to eligible religious institutes.
Fr. John will be out of town from Tuesday to Friday of this week.
On the table in the vestibule are the remaining Advent Reflection Booklets for your personal prayer and reflection. Please help yourself. If you know of a family member, friend, neighbor, or a homebound loved one who would spiritually benefit from one, please bring it to them on behalf of the St. A’s parish family.
Advent Penance Services … As we move through this holy season, I invite you to prepare yourself spiritually for Christmas through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I will be one of numerous priests hearing confessions at these Penance Service.
Sunday, December 17 (3:00 p.m.) --- Corpus Christi Parish in South Bend
Tuesday, December 19 (6:30 p.m.) --- St. Pius X Parish in Granger
Advent Taizé Adoration will be celebrated at Holy Cross Parish (Wilber Street) on Monday, December 11 & 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Adoration will be augmented with a simple, chanted prayer style. The service will last for an hour.
Christmas Concert featuring the Holy Cross Grade School with Recording Artist Amanda Vernon on December 15 at 6:30 p.m. in St. Pius X Parish (Granger).
Looking Ahead …
On Sunday, December 24 we will only have one Mass at 10:30 a.m. for the 4th Sunday of Advent.
Our Christmas Eve, Masses will be at 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. The 4:00 Mass will have the Children’s Pageant and the Gospel Choir will sing at the 9:00 Mass.
On Christmas Day, Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m.
On New Year’s Day (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God … a holy day of obligation), Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m.
St. Augustine, pray for us!
Fr. John, C.S.C.
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