Brothers and Sisters in Christ –
Blessed Gaudete Sunday! We’ve reached the Third Sunday of Advent when we light the rose-colored candle. Gaudete means “rejoice” in Latin. The color rose symbolizes a joyful feast day. We’re nearing the Solemnity of the Incarnation of Christ, and we continue to anticipate that glorious day.
The theme for today is “Christian joy.” St. Thomas Aquinas defined joy as the effect of the virtue of charity (love). He said that the object of joy is God. And joy doesn’t admit sorrow because it recognizes all of the goodness one experiences in life.
That last part strikes me. Again, joy doesn’t admit sorrow because it recognizes all of the goodness one experiences in life. Is that true for us? As Christians, do we strive to recognize God’s goodness from the ordinary to the extraordinary events in our lives? Do we recognize God’s goodness in our relationships? In our lives of faith? Do we allow that recognition of goodness to move us toward deeper moments of prayer? And does God’s goodness fill our hearts and souls with joy, which we then share with those that we know or simply encounter?
Last Sunday I was reading the newspaper while enjoying a cup of coffee. I came across an article about Andrew Miller, a nine-year-old boy in Ohio who has an inoperable brain tumor. The article was about his wish to receive 1,000 cards for his birthday. Andrew’s father remarked on the response from people around the world and he said: “We’re getting lots and lots of cards and (Andrew) is just loving it … He’s waiting on the mail ... and he will sit for hours on end opening cards and just reading the cards, looking at the cards.”
I was deeply touched by the thought of so many people reaching out to this young man and bringing him a little bit of joy each day. “Rejoice,” the Introit of this Sunday’s Mass says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice.” What better way to rejoice as Christians than to reach out with love to one another? As a parish we’re doing that with the Giving Tree. We do that three days a week when we feed our struggling brothers and sisters in need through our Soup Kitchen. Each day I receive emails chronicling a delivery made by parishioners on behalf of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. I have no doubt that so many of you are bringing joy to people’s lives in various ways.
I’d like to make a request of you today. Join me in sending some joy to Andrew. His father said that Andrew “has been battling two types of cancer for more than a year now. He has adult B Cell Lymphoma in his stomach and a brain tumor … he was told by doctors that there is no cure for the brain tumor.” Add this young boy that we’ll never meet to your daily prayers. And on this 3rd Sunday of Advent pick up a card, write him a few words of support, and share the love of God which always brings us joy.
Andrew Miller
16905 Township Road 287
Conesville, OH 43811
Happy 3rd Week of Advent!
A few announcements:
Christmas Flowers … Envelopes are located on the table with the bulletins. Please consider a donation in memory of a loved one to help us defray the cost of decorations. The envelopes will be placed on the altar for the Christmas Season and your loved ones will be remembered at each Mass. Thank you!
Advent Penance Services … As we continue to move through this holy season, I invite you to prepare yourself spiritually for Christmas through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Sunday, December 17 (3:00 p.m.) --- Corpus Christi Parish in South Bend
Tuesday, December 19 (6:30 p.m.) --- St. Pius X Parish in Granger
Advent Taizé Adoration will be celebrated at Holy Cross Parish (Wilber Street) on Monday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Adoration will be augmented with a simple, chanted prayer style. The service will last for an hour.
After-School Tutoring Program … St. Augustine's is hoping to restart its after-school tutoring program for children of parishioners, along with children from the neighborhood and local schools. If you are interested in participating, please contact Michael Busk at (574) 302-3666 or [email protected].
Year of the Eucharist … Cheryl Ashe is coordinating a Zoom small group study on Jesus and the Eucharist ( ). The meeting dates will be January 12, January 26, February 9, February 23, March 8, March 15, and March 22. The discussion will be led by Dianna Schmitz. If you’re interested, please talk to Cheryl. This opportunity to continued education responds to one of the areas of parish spiritual growth brought up in the Listening Sessions.formation-resources
Homebound Parishioners … If you know of a parishioner who is homebound or in a nursing facility, please let Fr. John know so that he can arrange to visit them. We don’t have a list of those parishioners who are unable to join us because of ill health. It’s important to put together a list so that their spiritual needs can be met.
Looking Ahead …
On Sunday, December 24 we will only have one Mass at 10:30 a.m. for the 4th Sunday of Advent.
Our Christmas Eve, Masses will be at 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. The 4:00 Mass will have the Children’s Pageant and the Gospel Choir will sing at the 9:00 Mass. The Choir will begin singing carols an hour before the start of Mass.
On Christmas Day, Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m.
On New Year’s Day (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God … a holy day of obligation), Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. Let’s come together to begin 2024 in prayer!
On Saturday, January 13 at 11:00 the Parish Pastoral Council will hold its first meeting.
St. Augustine, pray for us!
Fr. John, C.S.C.
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