There’s a large mosaic over the front entrance of the Guardian Angel Cathedral in Las Vegas with three figures: Penance, Prayer and Peace. I was struck by this image as we move into the final days of Advent and prepare for the great solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord. I offer those words as a spiritual meditation for your personal reflection this week.
Penance. During Advent I’ve had the honor of participating in various Penance Services held at area parishes. It’s always humbling to have sit or kneel before me, children and adults seeking God’s mercy. To spend time listening, offering spiritual counsel, and absolution is one of the most sacred and beautiful aspects of priestly ministry. I, like you, sin. I, too, sit or kneel before a fellow priest and acknowledge my transgressions. I acknowledge my struggles with sin, often the same ones. I ask God for forgiveness and spiritual strength. I, then, close my eyes and listen to those beautiful words of absolution. I leave the confessional ready to begin anew. I invite you to consider finding time in the days before Christmas, or in the weeks before the season ends, to go to confession. It’s a beautiful sacrament that we all need!
Prayer. I’m reading a book entitled, The Road of Hope by Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan (1928-2002). He was a Vietnamese cardinal who was the Coadjutor Archbishop of Sài Gòn. When Sài Gòn fell to the North Vietnamese Army he was detained by the communist party and spent 13 years in prison with 9 of them in solitary confinement. The book is a series of messages of hope and courage that Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan wrote on scraps of paper which were then smuggled out to his fellow believers. He says in the chapter on prayer: “Prayer is the only secret of nurturing the Christian life ... Pray always and everywhere. Jesus himself instructs us on the necessity of praying always (Luke 18:1) so that we ‘may not enter into temptation (Matthew 26:41).”
Peace. We should always be praying for peace. As we near the end of this year of grace, it’s impossible to forget how much our world is suffering. From wars to political divisions, to problems in our homes and neighborhoods, there is a lack of peace and an increase in hostility, hatred, and harm. On January 1 the Church observes the World Day of Peace. As we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God we ask the Blessed Mother to intercede for us. What a beautiful example of peace, our Blessed Mother. What a wonderful reminder that the example of this holy woman is what we’re called to follow and imitate.
I invite all of us to reflect on those three words this week. In my personal prayer, please know that I’ll be praying for each and every member of our parish community. I’ll especially remember those who find these days difficult because they’ve lost a loved one, will celebrate Christmas alone, or may be struggling in some way. I also wish those traveling a safe journey.
A few announcements: Advent Sung Vespers (Evening Prayer) … This Evening Prayer of the Church will be held at Holy Cross Parish (Wilber Street) on Sunday, December 22 at 7:00 p.m.
Christmas Masses … We will celebrate our Christmas Eve Mass at 4:00 p.m. (Gospel Choir) with the Children’s Pageant starting at 3:45 p.m., and our Christmas Day Mass at 10:00 a.m. Christmas Social … THANK YOU to all who helped with the parish social last Sunday. We are also grateful to the Notre Dame Alumni Association who donated the Christmas tree in the parish hall to St. A’s.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd … The December Atrium sessions will be held at 8:30 a.m. on the 22nd. The January Atrium sessions will be held at 8:30 a.m. on the 12th and 19th.
Special Collections … Retired Religious – ($655.00); Catholic Campaign for Human Development - ($225.00); Immaculate Conception – ($82.00); and Christmas Flowers ($280.00). THANK YOU! Stove … St. Stanislaus Parish has donated a stove for the parish hall. Alfred Guillaume has agreed to facilitate its delivery and installation. I’m grateful to him for stepping up to take care of this for me. And the parish is certainly appreciative of the donation from our neighboring parish. Parish Giving Tree … Your generosity provided Christmas gifts for more than 70 children in need. THANK YOU! Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God … Is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will celebrate Mass at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 1.
Parish Envelopes … One last friendly reminder, if you do NOT use the envelopes, please let me know so that you can be removed. The envelopes are an expense to the parish. Sending out unnecessary envelopes isn’t a responsible use of parish finances. I appreciate the emails that I’ve already received from those parishioners who donate but do so without using the envelopes.
Parish Calendars … Any remaining 2025 calendars can be found on the table at the entrance. Please feel free to help yourself. All of the calendars were put out last weekend, so once they’re gone that’s it!
Catholic Charities Collection … The monies donated to this special collection on Christmas Day assists our diocesan agency in helping the most vulnerable neighbors through food pantries, Christmas Programs, mental health ministries, and more than 20 other programs that are a lifeline for those in need. As the Human Services Arm of the Church, Catholic Charities fulfills the charitable mission entrusted to us by the faithful in our diocese. There is an envelope for this collection in your packets and they can be placed in the collection basket on Christmas Day or on the weekend. If you don’t use the parish envelopes, please write “Catholic Charities” on the memo line of your check or place a monetary donation in an envelope marked in the same way. THANK YOU for your generosity.
Women’s Group … The next meeting will be at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday January 11, 2025. All women of the parish are most welcome to participate. If you have any questions, please call Sr. Betty Smoyer at (574) 309-1393 or email her at [email protected]. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to gather, share, listen, and pray together. Right to Life Michiana … Is sponsoring a March for Life on January 17 from 10:30 – Noon. There will be a rally at “The Hall” on 553 E. Washington Street followed by a peaceful march to the Federal Courthouse. An information sheet, which includes a cut-off for the Pro-Life Signature Ad, can be found on the table in the gathering space. Pope’s Intention for the Month of December … For pilgrims of hope. We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope. Saint of the Week … St. John (December 27) was the son of Zebedee, the brother of James, and the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” He authored the book of Revelation and the most spiritual of the gospels. He’s symbolized by the eagle. St. John, the apostle and evangelist, died around the year 100 in Ephesus. He’s the patron of Asiatic Turkey.