Brothers and Sisters in Christ –
I’m always surprised when I see the first Christmas display in August. Inevitably, I’ll be walking through a department store, and I’m stopped in my tracks when I see it. While we’re still heading to beaches, enjoying family BBQs, and wearing shorts and sandals the secular world is attempting to focus our attention on a holiday that’s still months away.
The secularization of Christmas saddens me. Each year there seems to be less of a focus on the true meaning of our commemoration and celebrations. Despite the call to “keep Christ in Christmas” everything but our Savior becomes the focus. This year as Christmas cards came in from family and friends, I was truly amazed by how many had family pictures and wishes for a “Happy Holiday” on them rather than a religious image and a blessing for a “Merry Christmas.”
As we moved through the season of Advent our readings from sacred Scripture invited us to reflect on the faith of Mary, Elizabeth, Zechariah, and John the Baptist. Our ancestors were placed before us as a reminder of who we’re called to be as Christians. Each opened themselves to the will of God.
I pray for our parish family each day. As we moved through Advent, I found myself reflecting on how the lived faith of St. A’s gives witness to the Lord. In my three-plus months with you, I’ve never come to the parish and not run into parishioners gathering food for at St. Vincent de Paul delivery. The number of volunteers who give of their time to the Soup Kitchen humbles me. As we gather on Sunday to celebrate the liturgy, I find myself touched by the shared prayers as voices raise to God names of individuals and issues plaguing our society. At the beginning of our 10:30 (ish) Mass, I’m touched as guests are introduced by those who invited them to pray with us or happened to come on their own for one reason or another.
Christmas (the Solemnity of the Incarnation of Christ) is about faith. It began with the faith of a young woman who accepted God’s call to bear His Son. It continued with the ministry of Jesus touching the lives of the sick, the homeless, the abandoned, and the sinner. Our faith bears witness to what we profess to believe. We, as individuals and a parish family, live our faith. How beautiful and what an important reality to reflect upon on this great feast day.
As you gather with your family and friends, I invite you to find a way to share what Christmas means to you as people of faith. Let this great day be about more than food and gifts. May each of us find a way to celebrate our Savior and share our faith.
Merry Christmas today and throughout the Octave of Christmas!
A few announcements:
On Sunday, December 24 we will only have one Mass at 10:30 a.m. for the 4th Sunday of Advent.
Our Christmas Eve, Masses will be at 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. The 4:00 Mass will have the Children’s Pageant and the Gospel Choir will sing at the 9:00 Mass. The Choir will begin singing carols an hour before the start of Mass.
On Christmas Day, Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m.
Christmas Flowers … Envelopes are located on the table with the bulletins. Please consider a donation in memory of a loved one to help us defray the cost of decorations. The envelopes will be placed on the altar for the Christmas Season and your loved ones will be remembered at each Mass. Thank you!
Parish Census … in early January every registered parishioner/family will receive a letter asking you to fill out a registration form. The parish census hasn’t been updated for a number of years and it’s important to keep our records up to date. Please fill out the form and return it through the collection basket or mail. Thank you!
Recent Collection … our second collection for the Retired Religious Fund amounted to $333.00. Thank you for your generosity.
After-School Tutoring Program … St. Augustine's is hoping to restart its after-school tutoring program for children of parishioners, along with children from the neighborhood and local schools. If you are interested in participating, please contact Michael Busk at (574) 302-3666 or [email protected].
Faith Sharing Groups … One of the interests that was raised in the Listening Sessions were groups that would gather interested persons to reflect on sacred Scripture, share their faith, and address issues impacting our lives. This is a great opportunity for building community at St. A’s and reviving a parish ministry. Anyone who would be interested in volunteering to put a group together, please contact Fr. John at [email protected].
Year of the Eucharist … Cheryl Ashe is coordinating a Zoom small group study on Jesus and the Eucharist ( ). The meeting dates will be January 12, January 26, February 9, February 23, March 8, March 15, and March 22. The discussion will be led by Dianna Schmitz. If you’re interested, please talk to Cheryl. This opportunity to continued education responds to one of the areas of parish spiritual growth brought up in the Listening Sessions.formation-resources
Homebound Parishioners … If you know of a parishioner who is homebound or in a nursing facility, please let Fr. John know so that he can arrange to visit them. We don’t have a list of those parishioners who are unable to join us because of ill health. It’s important to put together a list so that their spiritual needs can be met.
Looking Ahead …
CORRECTION … This year, January 1 the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is NOT a holy day of obligation since it falls on a Monday.
On Saturday, January 13 at 11:00 a.m. the Parish Pastoral Council will hold its first meeting.
On Tuesday, January 23 at 6:30 p.m. the Parish Finance Council will meet.
St. Augustine, pray for us!
Fr. John, C.S.C.
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