As I was growing up, I had an interest in the saints. My home parish was filled with statutes. In the lower church there was an alcove with St. Lucy, St. John the Baptist, St. Rocco, and others that Italians tended to have a devotion to or were patrons of a particular village in Italy. In school we’d learn about the lives of the saints in Religion class. In each classroom there was a statue in a corner above the chalkboard, which served as the patron for that particular grade. My great-grandmother had a strong devotion to St. Anthony of Padua, which was passed on to me and remains a part of my spiritual life. In my rectory office I have three photos of myself with St. John Paul II from my days living in Rome. When I first moved there to begin studies, I was invited to be part of a group that would con-celebrate morning Mass in the pope’s private chapel. Two of those photos are of the group of us with the Holy Father at Mass. And the other is of me kneeling before the Holy Father as we spoke while he gave me a pair of rosary beads. In my bedroom I have two framed letters that I received from St. Teresa of Kolkata (“Mother Teresa”). We had exchanged letters twice and I kept those in a box. When I visited Auschwitz, I prayed before the cell where St. Maximilian Kolbe died. I have in my prayer book a picture of that cell with a candle placed there by St. John Paul II when he visited. The saints remind us of our call to holiness. The example of their lives teaches us about what we’re called to as the followers of Jesus. None of them were perfect. Each sinned and struggled. However, they worked at growing in holiness and turning away from their sins. The summer months are a good time to do some spiritual reading. There are a number of books written on the lives of the saints. I’d encourage you to pick one up, read about a saint each day, and find one that you might consider having as your spiritual companion. May these beautiful days before us be a time for relaxation, spiritual renewal, and cherished time with family and friends. Please remember to pray for each other and our parish family. Know that you’re in my daily prayers. Happy Summer! A few announcements: Summer Mass Schedule … We will have one Sunday Mass at 9:30 a.m. for the months of July and August. THIS IS NOT A PERMANENT TIME CHANGE! The regular Mass schedule will resume on Sunday, September 1. Summer Mode … During the months of July and August we will publish one bulletin for the month giving our faithful editor, Gail Mandell, a well-deserved rest. I am truly grateful for all of the hard work that she does each week putting our bulletin together. This weekly e-mail will continue. I will also take a break from writing a weekly column with this one being the last. I will resume the column in September. Peter’s Pence Collection … Next weekend (June 30) will be the annual collection that supports the Universal Church and the work of the Holy See, including helping Pope Francis to carry out his charitable works. These works benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. For our envelope users, there is one in your packet. Otherwise, you may place a donation in the regular collection in an envelope marked “Peter’s Pence,” or put the same on the memo line of your check. THANK YOU for your generosity. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd … Level I (ages 3-6) and level II (ages 6-9) atrium sessions will begin September 2024 and will run through May 2025 on Sundays, 9:30-10:30am. Each session is guided by a trained catechist and supported by an assistant. Time in the atrium offers the child an opportunity to work with beautiful hands-on materials which are rooted in Catholic liturgy and scripture. The child will follow along with the liturgical year, grow to understand the importance of the Mass and the materials used in the Mass, and come to know more deeply the loving presence of Jesus, our Good Shepherd. Please contact Sarah Kulwicki with any questions or to enroll for the Fall at: [email protected] Sacraments … If your child(ren) are of the age to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, or Confirmation in 2025, please schedule a meeting with me to discuss sacramental preparation beginning in the fall. If you would like to become a Catholic, or complete your own Sacraments of Initiation, please contact me. Annual Parish Picnic … Will be held from 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 25 at the St. Patrick County Park. Please mark your calendars. Women’s Group … The next gathering will be on Saturday, June 29 from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be either via Zoom or in person. Please watch for an email confirming the location. Any women of the parish are welcome. Please contact Sr. Betty at [email protected]. Spiritual Companions … Would you or a loved one enjoy the spiritual support of the Sisters of the Holy Cross? Anyone wishing to be paired up with one of the retired Sisters at St. Mary’s College for prayer, or a spiritual conversation, are invited to contact me and I’ll share your contact information with them. One of the Sisters will reach out to you. Summer Vacations … Away for a few weeks this summer? I hope many will enjoy some well-deserved time away during the summer months. Please remember, however, that there should never be a vacation from our practice of the faith. Parents show, by example, the importance of faith in the life of your family especially during these times. Remember that www.masstimes.orgprovides a listing of Masses for churches around the country. St. Augustine, pray for us. Fr. John, C.S.C.