Some one asked me where I got the yellow paint that we put on the raised cement square by the parking lot door. He said he wanted some for his cement work since the paint leveled out the rise. I told him the cement went down not because of the yellow paint but because I had a company come by and level it for $810.00. I wish the paint had been able to do it by itself, but it didn't. The leveling company drilled holes in the squares and pumped in some goop and later calked the squares. I hope it works.
Today is the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is also the start of the Annual Bishop's Appeal. Our quota this year went down a little to $11,500.00. Each family should be getting a letter from the Bishop explaining the appeal and asking for pledges. His annual video is on line at the diocesan website. Please be generous again this year. We are also taking up a Second Collection for the Hurricane victims in Louisiana. They really lost a lot and need our help.
In our first reading the Prophet Isaiah gives us some very good advice: "Seek the Lord while he may be found, call him while he is near." In the Gospel, Jesus continues this theme with the parable of the vineyard workers. He tells us the owner went out several times during the day to hire workers for his vineyard. In the end he pays each of them the same daily wage, even though some worked all day and some just an hour or two. This didn't seem fair to those who worked all day and it may not seem fair to us either. However, it is a parable about the kingdom of heaven. Some of us are called to it early and others much later. However, we should all rejoice that we are called and that we work together for God's kingdom.
In our second reading St. Paul talks about his own call and how he is drawn in two directions. If he lives in this life, he has to try to build up God's kingdom on earth. If he passes from this life, he will be happy in heaven with Jesus. He sets an example for us. We need to work to make this earth a better place, all the while hoping for the everlasting life with Jesus, that he offers us.
I want to thank you for the many cards, wishes and prayers that you sent my way on my birthday last Sunday. It was the first time I've had Happy Birthday sung to me on a zoom meeting. I guess that means I'm getting younger and not older!