I start my notes this week reminding you to pray for two international situations, both of which have been receiving lots of news coverage. The natural disasters in Haiti have received a little less coverage. Please pray for the people of Haiti who have endured many trials and tribulations. The latest being a large earthquake that killed over 2,000 people. At the suggestion of our bishop we will take up a special collection for Catholic Relief Services which is now helping Haiti on the ground. That collection will be September 5. Also please pray for the situation in Afghanistan.
On August 28 we celebrate our patron Saint Augustine. In his honor we have our annual Parish Picnic at St. Patrick's County Park on Sunday, August 29, 2021. We missed it last year because of Covid-19. Once again we have the Berta Pavilion reserved from noon on next Sunday the 29th. It is outdoors in a covered pavilion. We ask you to sign up in the foyer of the church this week. The parish will cover the gate fee at the park. Just tell them you are with St. Augustine. The parish will provide fried chicken and cold drinks, you can provide the rest. That's why we need numbers! I did check with the park and all is back to normal. Even though it is outdoors, and even if you are fully vaccinated, you certainly can wear a mask, if that makes you more comfortable. Pray for good weather!
Today's Gospel finishes St. John's Eucharistic Discourse. After Jesus told his disciples that he was the Bread of Life come down from heaven and that his flesh was real food and his blood real drink, which they would eat and drink, many of his followers said: "This saying is hard; who can accept it?" and "many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him." Jesus asked the Twelve "Do you also want to leave?" This question was answered by Peter: "Master, to whom shall we go? You are the Holy One of God." Remember all this took place before the Last Supper when the Twelve ate his Body and drank his Blood under the form of bread and wine. We can do the same at every Mass. Through his power, the bread and the wine become his Body and Blood, our food for the journey.
In our first reading from the Book of Joshua, Joshua assembled the people in a similar situation. Many of the people had begun to follow other gods, the gods of the lands they had taken over. Joshua tells them to choose between the God of their Fathers/Mothers and the false god of the lands they were in. Joshua says: "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." The people responded: "Therefore we also will serve the Lord, for he is our God." We are asked the same question everyday in the many invitations we receive to serve the Lord. Do we say yes or do we say no? In our second reading St. Paul puts this into practice in the context of marriage. Husbands and wives need to love one another.
We continue to have our 8:15 and 10:30 AM Masses on Sunday. The 10:30 is put on our webpage early Sunday afternoon. We do have Children's Church during the 10:30. The Soup Kitchen is open MWF from 11 AM - 12:30 PM. Our St. Vincent de Paul group continues to bring food to the needy. Speaking of which, we are once more looking for volunteers both for the Soup Kitchen and St. Vincent de Paul. If you can help, please let me know.
Thank you for all you do for the parish. See you at the picnic next Sunday!
All couples celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 65th or 70th wedding anniversary this year, along with their families, are invited to attend the Jubilee Anniversary Mass with Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades on Sunday, Sept. 19, at 11 a.m. at St. Matthew Cathedral in South Bend or on Sunday, Sept. 26, at 11:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne. A ticketed reception will follow. Anniversary couples will receive a commemorative certificate and two free tickets to the reception. Additional reception tickets for family and friends may be purchased for $10 each. Children age 10 and under may attend the reception at no charge. To register, visit