The Parochial Council is in the process of reorganization. We are looking for new members. The Council usually meets the second Sunday of the month at 12:15 PM in the foyer to discuss the happenings in the parish and to suggest new ideas. The Council advises me in all matters dealing with the parish. If you are interested in participating in the Council or have questions about it, please see me or one of the Council members, who are listed on the front of this Bulletin or just come to the next meeting.
Congratulations to Steve Luecke, who will be formally inducted into the South Bend Community Hall of Fame on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at the South Bend Century Center.
The theme that runs through our readings today is perseverance. In the first reading from Exodus, we have a battle between Joshua and Amalek. The battle is not decided on the power of the two armies but by the prayer of Moses. When Moses prays with his arms uplifted, Joshua has the better of the battle. When Moses gets tired and cannot keep his arms raised, Amalek has the better of the battle. Finally, two of Moses’ men hold his arms up and the Jewish people win the battle. God is on their side and once again strengthens their faith.
The parable Jesus tells in the Gospel is similar. The widow is persistent with the dishonest judge and gets her judgment.
In our second reading, Paul urges Timothy to continue to fight the good fight and preach the Gospel to all. “Proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching.” We need to do the same.
Let us continue to pray for peace in the world. Let us also pray for vocations to the church. Let us pray for the sick of the parish. Let us pray that all will come to respect life. Let us pray for one another and for the canonization of Father Tolton. Let us also pray for those who are victims of sexual abuse and mass shootings.
A Venerable Father Tolton Prayer: Father in Heaven, the Venerable Father Tolton’s suffering service sheds light upon our sorrows; we see them through the prism of your Son’s passion and death. If it be your Will, O God, glorify your servant Father Tolton, by granting the favor I now request through his intercession (mention your request) so that all may know the goodness of this priest whose memory looms large in the Church he loved. Complete what you have begun in us that we might work for the fulfillment of your kingdom. Not to us the glory, but glory to you O God, through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are our God, living and reigning forever and ever. Amen.