A few announcements: Solemnity of the Assumption … Is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have a Vigil Mass at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14.
Financial Report … A report for the last fiscal year can be found on the table in our gathering space. Please take one for yourself.
July Contributions ... Your treasure of $7534.85 last month is truly appreciated. As you consider your weekly/monthly donation, please know that your financial assistance is allowing the parish to address various maintenance issues, pay the bills, and support our ministries. THANK YOU!
August Bulletin … Can be found on the table in the gathering space. I appreciate the continued assistance of Gail Mandell who works with me in putting this together.
Maintenance … I met with an electrician this week to address a few outstanding issues. In the weeks ahead, he’ll replace a rather dated fuse box in the sacristy and install a new dial for the ceiling fan over the choir. In the basement a bulb was replaced, and we may need to consider LED bulbs moving forward. Additionally, there are two dead trees in the front of the parish (Washington Street) that will need to be removed, and one on the side of the parish hanging over the roof (source of our carpenter ants) that needs to be trimmed. That will be the next maintenance project. I would like to thank Nora Geissler, John Houk, Micah Towery, and Gary Gabrich who’ve been providing me with guidance in addressing these issues.
And More Maintenance … The boiler in the basement was inspected this week as requested by our insurance company. The gentleman who did the inspection “found several issues. One of the bladder tanks is leaking badly. Also, the boiler is leaking slowly and should be replaced before the next heating season.” The pictures he took showed a “need to install two new isolation valves on the supply side of the boiler, so that the supply lines can be turned off in case of a leak. Also, water is running down from the top left-hand side of the boiler and there is a hole in the bladder tank.” An estimate for this is forthcoming! Security System … The first part of the installation took place this week. The glass doors entering the parish were reconditioned and a lock on the soup kitchen door was installed. In the weeks ahead the glass doors will be rekeyed, and the key fob system will be instituted for the lock on the soup kitchen. At that point any existing keys that parishioners have will no longer work. Those volunteers in the soup kitchen and St. Vincent de Paul will be given a key fob from me. The completion of this project will ensure the security of our building.
Divorce Support Meeting … The next meeting of St. Helen’s Divorce Ministry will take place on Thursday, August 1 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Fr. Tripi Room (Door #14 near the playground) at Christ the King Parish. Enter the north parking lot from SR933. The program is open to all from around the area whether you are newly separated or have been divorced for many years. The group is led by other Catholics who have encountered divorce firsthand. The group meets on the first Thursday of each month.
Men’s Addiction Group … If you struggle with an addiction to pornography or other sexual issues, you are invited to a Men’s Support Group. These group meetings have transformed the lives of men because of their willingness to change, to be honest, and to seek connections not only with God but with their fellow brothers. Meetings focus on the positive and what we can do to overcome our daily struggles. Discover a path to true freedom by visiting: diocesefwsb.org/augustine or you can email them at [email protected] for more information, meeting times, and location.
Ava’s Grace … The diocese offers an online support group for anyone who has lost a baby before or after birth. The meeting is via Zoom on the third Wednesday of each month from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. For the Zoom meeting link and password, contact Lisa Everett at: [email protected]. Jubilee Anniversary Mass and Reception … All couples who are celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 65th, or 70th wedding anniversary this year, along with their families, are invited to attend the Jubilee Anniversary Mass with Bishop Rhoades on Sunday, Sept. 8, at 11 a.m. at St. Matthew Cathedral. A ticketed reception will follow in the school gym. Anniversary couples will receive a commemorative certificate and two free tickets to the reception. Additional reception tickets for family and friends may be purchased for $10 each. Children ages 10 and younger may attend the reception at no charge. To register, go to diocesefwsb.org/anniversary-masses.
Last but not least … The Annual St. Augustine’s Parish picnic will be held on Sunday, August 25th, from 1:00 – 6:00 pm.
Where: St. Patrick’s County Park (Laurel Road north of Auten Road) --- The Berta Shelter.
St. Augustine’s pays for the park entry fee. Tell the guard at the gate that you are with St. A’s.
Time: We will eat at 1:30. Food will be served until 3:00. Food: St. A’s will provide chicken, pop and water. Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share.
A few more details… *There will be a sign-up sheet on the table at the back of the church. Please give us your name and tell us how many will be coming with you, so we know how much chicken, etc… will be needed. *Bring any games that you might want to play. Also, there are hiking trails if anyone is interested.
***Volunteers are needed to help clean up after the picnic. *** The Shelter area must be clean in order for our deposit to be returned. Please text Denisa Lynk if you would like to help: 574-210-6867.