This weekend we begin our annual pilgrimage through the four beautiful weeks of Advent. The Church has set aside this time to prepare our hearts and souls for the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord.
Our readings remind us of the importance of preparation. In the gospel, Jesus said to his disciples: “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy …” It’s easy for us to become distracted by our daily tasks and anxieties. We become overwhelmed by all that needs to happen in our day-to-day existence, and when we do so we then find ourselves failing to focus on our spiritual lives.
Advent invites us to find time to recenter ourselves on the Lord. May these four beautiful weeks be a time of spiritual renewal. Find a few minutes each day for personal prayer and reflection. Open your hearts to the Lord this Advent. Share your joys and sorrows, your struggles and triumphs. Let these weeks be a time of spiritual renewal and growth. Pray for the strength to move beyond what troubles you. And ask for spiritual peace and a greater awareness of Christ alive in your life. A few announcements: Rosary … Will be prayed at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday.
Announcements at Mass … At a recent meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council, we had a conversation about the most appropriate time for announcements on Sunday. It was decided that rather than stopping the celebration of Mass, beginning this Sunday, any parish announcements would be made AFTER THE CLOSING HYMN ENDS. At that time a member of the Parish Pastoral Council will ask if there are any announcements before everyone leaves for coffee and or heads home. Sale of Holy Land Items … On Sunday, December 1, our brothers and sisters representing the Land of Peace mission, a nonprofit organization, will be with us speaking about the Christian situation in the Holy Land and selling crucifixes, religious artwork, and rosaries – all made of olive wood which is native to Israel and Bethlehem. Since tourism has greatly decreased, Christian families in the Holy Land, who depend on tourists, have been greatly affected. The goal of this mission is to help the poor and needy families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. The sale of these items will help them and give you the opportunity to have something authentic from the Holy Land. You might also find some good Christmas gifts! For more information, visit Heat … The heat in the parish hall isn’t working. My apologies! Please plan to have warm thoughts as you partake of the post Mass social. I hope we can have the newest maintenance issue solved this week! Immaculate Conception … This is a holy day of obligation. We will celebrate Mass at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, December 9.
Advent Daily Reflection Booklets … The season of Advent begins this Sunday. Please help yourself to a booklet found on the table in the gathering space.
Virtual Advent Retreat … Offered by the Congregation of Holy Cross. Go to to learn more and register.
Advent Sung Vespers (Evening Prayer) … This Evening Prayer of the Church will be held along with Adoration and Benediction on Monday, December 2, 9 and 16 at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Cross Parish (Wilber Street) and Sung Vespers on Sunday, December 22 at 7:00 p.m.
St. Vincent de Paul Giving Tree … To donate a gift for a child in need, please choose a gift tag from the Giving Tree in the gathering space or contact Annie Tardy at: ([email protected]). You’re asked to return the wrapped gift with the tag attached to Annie by Sunday, Dec 15.
Christmas Flower Envelopes … Are available on the table in the gathering space. THANK YOU for helping us beautify the church sanctuary for the Christmas season.
Christmas Masses … We will celebrate our Christmas Eve Mass at 4:00 p.m. (Gospel Choir) with the Children’s Pageant starting at 3:45 p.m., and our Christmas Day Mass at 10:00 a.m. Parish Christmas Social, Sunday … Will be held on December 15. Everyone is invited to the social which will be held in the parish hall after Mass. The social includes a potluck meal, Christmas carols, and the hanging of family ornaments on the Christmas tree. For more information, please contact Annie Tardy. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd … The December Atrium sessions will be held at 8:30 a.m. on the 15th and 22nd.
November Collection … Your contributions to the parish totaled $ 12,989.68 last month. THANK YOU for your generosity. Your contributions to the parish allows us to care for the property and meet our expenses.
Roof Repairs … This week some work began on the small roofs over each entrance to the parish. Last winter there was a lot of ice build-up and melt that created a dangerous situation upon entering the building. A company came to evaluate it, and their recommendation was fixing the misaligned gutters and putting some heat tape down. I’m grateful to the Soup Kitchen for a contribution that will cover a significant portion of this expense. Parish Envelopes … As of 2025 your parish envelopes will mailed to your homes each month rather than picking up a box with a year’s worth of envelopes. It was the decision of the Finance Council to make this change hoping that it will help us maintain a regular weekly income. If you do NOT use the envelopes, I’d kindly ask you to let me know so that you can be removed. The envelopes are an expense to the parish. If you haven’t been using the envelopes, and are not planning to do so next year, please let me know so that you can be removed. Sending out unnecessary envelopes isn’t a responsible use of parish finances. I appreciate the emails that I’ve already received from those parishioners who donate but do so without using the envelopes.
Retirement Fund for Religious … This collection helps religious communities care for senior members, and we will hear from Sr. Veronica Fajardo, C.S.C. from St. Mary’s College. The second collection will be on December 8 and there are envelopes in your packets. You can also place a check in the collection with a note on the memo line directing your donation to this fund. THANK YOU for your generosity!
Miriam’s Blessing … Is a diocesan peer-mentor ministry that provides comprehensive support to parents who receive a difficult prenatal diagnosis, whether it is the detection of a chronic condition, or a life-threatening disorder. Support for parents carrying to term spans the pregnancy, the birth, and the postpartum period. Peer ministers and volunteers are screened, trained, and work in teams. To expectant parents, they offer unique insight and sensitivity regarding such difficult issues as mourning the loss of the anticipated baby, maintaining hope when a prognosis is poor, and neonatal critical care. For more information, go to Pope’s Intention for the Month of December … For pilgrims of hope. We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope. Saint of the Week … St. Francis Xavier (December 3) is one of the founding Jesuits. He preached in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Japan. He is one of the co-patrons of the Apostleship of Prayer and of the foreign missions. He died in 1552 at the age of forty-six on the island of Sancion off the China coast.