A few announcements: St. Augustine’s Women’s Group … Will meet on Saturday, July 27 at 2:00 p.m. in the parish community room. All women are welcome!
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd … Level I (ages 3-6) and level II (ages 6-9) atrium sessions will begin September 2024 and will run through May 2025 on Sundays, 9:30-10:30am. Each session is guided by a trained catechist and supported by an assistant. Time in the atrium offers the child an opportunity to work with beautiful hands-on materials which are rooted in Catholic liturgy and scripture. The child will follow along with the liturgical year, grow to understand the importance of the Mass and the materials used in the Mass, and come to know more deeply the loving presence of Jesus, our Good Shepherd.
Please contact Sarah Kulwicki with any questions or to enroll for the Fall at: [email protected]
Parish Potluck Dinners … The 2nd post pandemic St. A’s Potluck will be Sunday, July 21, 4-6 p.m. at the home of Deacon Mel and Annie Tardy, 2216 Oakwood Park Drive, South Bend. You are welcome to bring a dish to share (hot, cold, or dessert). Beverages provided. Children welcome. Sign-up sheets are on the table in the church foyer. You can also email Annie at [email protected] or text 574-707-1232. Please indicate your name, number in your party, what you might bring to share, and your contact information. Thank you!
Annual Parish Picnic … Will be held from 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 25 at the St. Patrick County Park.
Ava’s Grace … The diocese offers an online support group for anyone who has lost a baby before or after birth. The meeting is via Zoom on the third Wednesday of each month from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. For the Zoom meeting link and password, contact Lisa Everett at: [email protected].
Parish Ministries … It would be wonderful to have more parishioners as lectors and ushers. I would especially like to see more of our younger parishioners actively involved in the Mass. Please talk to me on Sunday or send an email to ([email protected]) expressing your interest.
Altar Servers … Are a vital part of the liturgical ministry of the parish. Responsibilities include bearing the cross in the entrance procession, assisting with the offertory gifts and preparation of the altar, and assisting the priest throughout the Mass. This is another parish ministry that I would like to see more of our younger parishioners (male and female) involved in. Please talk to me on Sunday or send me an email expressing your interest.
Hospital/Nursing Home Visits … Our local hospitals and nursing homes do not inform parishes when parishioners are patients. For this reason, if you or a family member is admitted to a local hospital or nursing home, please inform me so that I can visit.
Anointing of the Sick … When you know of an upcoming surgery, or are experiencing a health issue, you can request to have the celebration of the sacrament. This can be done after a Sunday Mass, at your home, or in a nursing facility. Please contact me via email ([email protected]) or talk to me on Sunday to arrange a time.
Summer Vacations … Away for a few weeks this summer? I hope many will enjoy some well-deserved time away during the summer months. Please remember, however, that there should never be a vacation from our practice of the faith. Parents show, by example, the importance of faith in the life of your family especially during these times. Remember that www.masstimes.org provides a listing of Masses for churches around the country.