Next Sunday, October 20, we will have the annual Mission Appeal. The Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) will send a priest to preach about their work. I’ve been asked to share the following letter of introduction with you a week before they arrive at St. A’s.
“We are the Pallottines. The Society of the Catholic Apostolate is a religious order founded in 1835 by a Roman Catholic priest, St. Vincent Pallottti. He carried out a wide range of apostolic activities in the city of Rome, which included assisting the poor, sick, marginalized and the orphan, and educating the poor children through evening schools. Over the last 189 years the Pallottines spread our mission and ministry far and wide, setting up our presence in 45 countries on 6 continents serving in parishes, schools, hospitals, missions, retreat houses, and many more charitable works urged by the love of Christ.
The Pallottines came to India in 1951 and grew stronger in many parts of the country. On January 6, 2020, the Pallottines in Tamilnadu, india became and independent Province and was named after Our Lady of Good Health. Our Province is blessed with over 100 priests, more than 55 students in various levels of formation as of today. We are a young and strong Province.
Drawing inspiration from our founder we are involved in various ministries and missions such as pastoral care in parishes, social apostolates, educational ministries for the poor and downtrodden, women empowerment programs, and healing ministries.
We are also entrusted with missions abroad in Taiwan and Sri Lanka. Your sacrificial gifts will go into four main areas: supporting the seminarians to become priests, the education of poor children and orphans, the empowerment of women and widows through self-help groups, and healing ministries like AIDS and leprosy centers and hospitals.
Carrying out the mission works involve a lot of expenses and effort and we mainly depend on the contributions of people like you to actualize these missionary endeavors.
We take this opportunity to express our immense gratitude to the Lord for His Divine Mercy invested on us in our priestly ministry and mission works. And we want to thank and acknowledge the important role you play in our missions in India, Taiwan, and Sri Lanka.
Please welcome Fr. Richard Veevin, SAC and he will be talking more about our missions,”
A second collection will be taken up to assist the Pallottine Fathers and their mission. Please make checks out to St. A’s and the monies collected will be forwarded. THANK YOU for your generosity.
A few announcements:
Annual Bishops Appeal … Please prayerfully consider helping us invite thousands of Catholics in northeast Indiana to encounter Christ and each other. To make a gift, donate online at, or donate in person by placing your pledge card and check in the collection basket. If you didn’t receive a letter and pledge card in the mail, it means that you are NOT a registered member of the parish. Registration forms and pledge cards can be found on the table in the gathering space.
Parish Assessment: $ 9,892.21
Donated (as of 10/11): $ 7,394.19 THANK YOU for helping us reach our goal for the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. All monies collected over the goal will be returned to the parish for our needs.
World Mission Sunday is THIS weekend, October 13. Your donation supports the ministry of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. All monies collected assist the Church in caring for over 1,100 dioceses throughout the world that cannot sustain themselves because they are too poor, young, or actively persecuted. Please consider a donation using the envelope in your package or, if you don’t use parish envelopes, place a check in the basket with “World Mission Sunday Donation” on the memo line or in an envelope with a similar marking. THANK YOU for your donation. Hurricane Relief … If you would like to make a donation for those impacted by the hurricanes in Florida, please place your donation in a marked envelope and all gifts will be sent to the diocese who will forward all parish donations to Catholic Charities USA. THANK YOU! Vacation … I will be away from October 18-25.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd … The October Atrium sessions will be held at 8:30 a.m. on the 13th and 20th. Rosary Making Workshop … Will be offered by the Spirituality Committee THIS Sunday, October 13 after Mass. All are welcome!
All Souls Envelopes … Can be found on the table in the gathering space. Please add the names of your deceased loved ones on the envelopes and they will be placed on the altar for the month of November.
After School Tutoring … Is free and will be offered every Thursday from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. in our parish hall. For more information, please contact Michael Busk at (574) 216-6577. St. Margaret's House Storytelling Event: A Common Thread …
When: Thursday, October 17, 7pm Where: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center at Notre Dame
Celebrate the women of St. Margaret’s House with an evening of storytelling featuring guests, volunteers, students, and staff sharing their experiences of connection and community. More information can be found at:
We have some complimentary tickets for St. Augustine parishioners available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please contact Felicia Metoyer at [email protected] if you are interested. Trees … The dead trees in front of the parish (Washington Street) were taken down this week. The Finance Council discussed the issue, and it was decided that it would be best to have them removed before winter arrives! Gutters … The gutters and roof area above both entrances needs to be repaired before winter. There have been issues with snow and ice creating a safety hazard on the sidewalk and over the doors. The Finance Council is waiting for a second bid before moving forward. Boiler … The one in the parish hall has been causing problems lately. An electrician came in and was able to clean out a buildup of lime, thus solving the issue. We were told that this should give the boiler (at least) another year of life! Respect Life Month … During the month of October let us consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life from conception to natural death. Saturdays with the Saints … Has established itself as a popular Notre Dame football program ritual that combines the university’s rich traditions of Catholic faith and spirited game days. Notre Dame Theology faculty and McGrath Institute staff will deliver dynamic lectures on saints chosen for their uncommon virtue and their willingness to let their faith stand in contradiction to the wisdom of the world. November 9: St. Carlos Acutis and the many miracles of the Eucharist. Timothy O’Malley, Ph.D., Professor of the Practice, Theology. November 16: Explaining miracles with St. Thomas Aquinas. Therese Cory, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Thomistic Studies. Pope’s Intention for the Month of October … For a shared mission. We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people. Saint of the Week …