Every October, we celebrate Respect Life Month. We consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life from conception to natural death. The U.S. bishops have affirmed that it is important to address all the ways in which human life is threatened.
Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed countless threats to human life. The war between Russia and Ukraine is in its third year. Gaza and Israel have been battling since October. Another war has broken out in Lebanon. There are wars in other parts of the world that continue but don’t garner news headlines. Innocent lives have been lost. People have been displaced from their homes. Children have been separated from their parents. Food and water are scarce. Famine is a reality for so many people. We have much to pray for and about this month as we reflect on our common call to RESPECT LIFE! In our own homes and communities, we continue to experience gun violence. Behind closed doors domestic violence is a problem that we don’t talk about. Sexual abuse remains a scourge on society, in families, and in the Church. Neighbors are struggling with food insecurity, unemployment, and paying their bills. These are more issues to consider and pray about in our common call to RESPECT LIFE! There are smaller issues that have become so normalized that we don’t even think about the impact that they have on people. Gossiping about each other. Spreading lies and supporting uncharitable behaviors. Making conscious choices to cause harm to another person and their life. Discriminating against a person because of their race, sexuality, gender, or political beliefs. Remaining silent when we witness such things. More to pray about in our common call to RESPECT LIFE! This month is also dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. Our eyes are directed to the Blessed Mother, our example of holiness and fidelity, and a reminder of who we’re called to be as the followers of Jesus Christ and the children of God.
As we move through the month of October, I invite you to make life issues a part of your daily pray. Each day meditate on one life issue and pray a “Hail Mary” as you ask God to help you be a Christian who RESPECTS LIFE. Ask that as a Church we never cease reaching out, caring for, and speaking out in defense of those without a voice or a voice that has been silenced. Pray for those you know who are struggling. And pray in thanksgiving for all those who are doing charitable work caring for our brothers and sisters.
May our Blessed Mother help us to grow in holiness. May the example of the Mother of God inspire us to change our lives and behaviors for the better. And may our world put down all weapons of destruction (guns, hands, and tongues) and replace them with love and peace.
A few announcements: Annual Bishops Appeal … Please prayerfully consider helping us invite thousands of Catholics in northeast Indiana to encounter Christ and each other. To make a gift, donate online at diocesefwsb.org/aba, or donate in person by placing your pledge card and check in the collection basket. If you didn’t receive a letter and pledge card in the mail, it means that you are NOT a registered member of the parish. Registration forms and pledge cards can be found on the table in the gathering space.
Parish Assessment: $ 9,892.21
Donated (as of 9/3): $ 5,119.19 THANK YOU for helping us reach our goal for the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. All monies collected over the goal will be returned to the parish for our needs.
Sunday Collection … The weekly collection for the month of September totaled $9,921.00, which shows your concern for the parish. When considering your weekly giving, please remember that your support helps us to pay for parish maintenance, salaries, and activities. THANK YOU for your generosity.
World Mission Sunday is next weekend, October 13. Your donation supports the ministry of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. All monies collected assist the Church in caring for over 1,100 dioceses throughout the world that cannot sustain themselves because they are too poor, young, or actively persecuted. Please consider a donation using the envelope in your package or, if you don’t use parish envelopes, place a check in the basket with “World Mission Sunday Donation” on the memo line or in an envelope with a similar marking. THANK YOU for your donation. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd … The October Atrium sessions will be held at 8:30 a.m. on the 13th and 20th.
Blessing of the Animals … Iwill once again celebrate this annual gathering this Sunday October 6 at 2:00 p.m. in the Mausoleum Courtyard at Cedar Grove Cemetery at the University of Notre Dame.This is open to neighbors, students, and employees of ND. Rosary Making Workshop … Will be offered by the Spirituality Committee on Sunday, October 13 after Mass. All are welcome!
After School Tutoring … Is free and will be offered every Thursday from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. in our parish hall. For more information, please contact Michael Busk at (574) 216-6577.
Parish Ministry Fair … Will be held this Sunday, October 6 after Mass. Would you like to get involved? Please come to our Ministry Fair.
This Weekend … Fr. Tom Bertone, C.S.C. will preside and preach. I have been invited to celebrate the 10:00 Mass at Holy Cross College.
Finance Committee … Met with me this past week. We reviewed recent repairs and expenses, the budget, first quarter income through the weekly collection, and other potential projects that will need to be undertaken. It was decided that the Maintenance Committee should put together a list of possible repairs that will need to be addressed over the next three years and prioritize them for the Finance Committee’s consideration. Our meeting ended with a discussion about the Elevate program offered through the Notre Dame Federal Credit Union as another source of income. A member of the Committee is going to put together a brief statement that will be shared with the parish after the Annual Bishop’s Appeal concludes so as to not have multiple drives taking place at the same time.
St. Margaret's House Storytelling Event: A Common Thread …
When: Thursday, October 17, 7pm Where: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center at Notre Dame
Celebrate the women of St. Margaret’s House with an evening of storytelling featuring guests, volunteers, students, and staff sharing their experiences of connection and community. More information can be found at: stmargaretshouse.org
We have some complimentary tickets for St. Augustine parishioners available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please contact Felicia Metoyer at [email protected] if you are interested.
Women’s Group … Will meet on Saturday, October 12 at 2:00 p.m. in the parish hall. All women of St. A’s are welcome. You’re invited to stop by their table at the Parish Ministry Fair to meet a couple of the members. Respect Life Month … During the month of October let us consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life from conception to natural death. Saturdays with the Saints … Has established itself as a popular Notre Dame football program ritual that combines the university’s rich traditions of Catholic faith and spirited game days. Notre Dame Theology faculty and McGrath Institute staff will deliver dynamic lectures on saints chosen for their uncommon virtue and their willingness to let their faith stand in contradiction to the wisdom of the world. October 12: St. Teresa of Avila and St. Joseph of Cupertino: Saints who flew and did other impossible things. Carlos Eire, Ph.D., Professor of History and Religious Studies, Yale University. November 9: St. Carlos Acutis and the many miracles of the Eucharist. Timothy O’Malley, Ph.D., Professor of the Practice, Theology. November 16: Explaining miracles with St. Thomas Aquinas. Therese Cory, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Thomistic Studies. Marriage Course … What if setting intentional time aside one evening each week could transform your marriage? The (free) Marriage Course is a self-paced weekly series offered in English and Spanish and based on a film series featuring “regular” couples and relationship experts from around the world. There is time built right into each session for you and your spouse to discuss each week’s topic in the comfort and privacy of your own home using prompts. Start any time. To learn more, visit diocesefwsb.org/marriage-course Pope’s Intention for the Month of October … For a shared mission. We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a Synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people. Saint of the Week … St. John XXIII (11 October) was born in Sotto il Monte, Italy in 1881 as Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli. He was ordained a priest in 1904 after serving in World War I. In 1924 he became a papal diplomat, serving in Bulgaria, Turkey, and France. With the help of Germany’s ambassador to Turkey, Fr. Roncalli helped save an estimated 24,000 Jewish people during World War II. In 1953 he was named a cardinal and appointed patriarch of Venice by Pope Pius XII. In 1958 he was elected pope at seventy-eight years of age. He took the name John after his father. Most notably, Pope John XXIII convoked the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). He died on 03 June 1963 from stomach cancer. His feast day recalls the day of the first session of the Second Vatican Council (1962). St. John XXIII was declared Blessed in 2000 and canonized together with Pope John Paul II on 27 April 2014 by Pope Francis.