Last Saturday the Parish Pastoral Council had their first meeting after a summer break. They were updated on projects that had taken place over the past few months. The main topic of the meeting was the Mass schedule and upcoming parish vote.
We began our conversation with the sharing of parish statistics to focus on the reality of St. A’s. To date we have 233 registered families, which is approximately 397 individuals. Of those registered parishioners less than 30% attend Mass on any given Sunday. Before the current Mass schedule went into effect the 8:15 Mass was averaging between 15-20 people with the 10:40 Mass averaging between 90-100 people. Neither Mass was at capacity.
The sacramental life of the parish was also shared. Last year there was 1 baptism and 5 funerals. There were no First Holy Communions, Confirmations, or Weddings. So far this year there has been 1 funeral, and no other sacraments celebrated at St. A’s. These numbers (attendance and sacraments) indicate an “aging parish.”
I also spoke briefly about parish finances. Our parish donations are up slightly. However, the reality is that we are covering our bills with a little extra money being put into savings. Our Finance Council meets regularly to monitor the budget, income, and expenses.
At the moment, the parish has a priest assigned to it. As I shared in our conversation, having a priest assigned to such a small parish is less and less likely with the decreasing number of vocations and available priests. There is always the possibility that St. A’s. could be yoked to another parish which would mean sharing a priest.
We went over the various opinions submitted by parishioners about having one Mass this summer. It was clear that satisfying everyone would never be possible. One Council member commented about the Mass schedule being extended into September. I informed the Council that I was asked to allow them to have a conversation about the experience before the parish would vote. And since we couldn’t gather everyone until mid-September, I chose to extend the schedule rather than going back to the two Masses and then possibly having to go back to one if the vote went for a single Mass. This request was made of me by the president of the Parish Pastoral Council and I felt that if I didn’t honor that request I would be disrespecting the role of the Council.
This weekend we will vote after Mass. As I said before, this is your parish and I will respect the outcome of the vote. I certainly have an opinion, but I will keep that to myself so as to not appear as if I’m taking sides. Whatever the outcome, the schedule will take effect the first Sunday of October.
A few announcements: Mass Schedule … The one Sunday Mass at 9:30 will continue through the month of September. We will have a parish vote after Mass this weekend. Whatever the outcome, that Mass schedule will commence the first weekend of October.
Annual Bishops Appeal … Please prayerfully consider helping us invite thousands of Catholics in northeast Indiana to encounter Christ and each other. To make a gift, donate online at, or donate in person by placing your pledge card and check in the collection basket. If you didn’t receive a letter and pledge card in the mail, it means that you are NOT a registered member of the parish. Registration forms and pledge cards can be found on the table in the gathering space.
The assessment for St. A’s is $ 9,892.21 this year. THANK YOU for helping us reach our goal for the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. All monies collected over the goal will be returned to the parish for our needs.
Gutters … A sincere THANK YOU to a generous parishioner who had the gutters on the church cleaned in preparation for the upcoming autumn/winter seasons.
There are two gutters on either side of the front entrance that may need to be repaired. The company who worked on the parish roof this past year has been contacted to see if they can do the work or give us the name of a company who would be able to do so.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd … The October Atrium sessions will be held on the 13th and 20th.
St. Vincent de Paul Society … Is desperately in need of volunteers as well as donations to keep us going. We ask those who can consider giving even a few hours a week or month to packing and delivering the food that keeps families—many single mothers with young children-- from going hungry. Non-perishable food items are very much needed and can be placed in the bins in the church foyer. Monetary donations enable us to purchase needed items unavailable at the local food bank: milk, eggs, diapers, for example. In the past, your generosity has helped families to keep the lights on and water running and avoid eviction. For more information about ways to help, contact Annie Tardy or Dan Mandell. After School Tutoring … Is free and will be offered every Thursday from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. in our parish hall. For more information, please contact Michael Busk at (574) 216-6577. Recent Special Collections … Assumption of the BVW (85.00)/ Catholic Communications (185.00) / World Mission Sunday (105.00) / Catholic University of America (45.00). THANK YOU for your generosity. Finance Council … Will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 30 in the parish hall. Parish Ministry Fair … Will be held on Sunday, October 6 after Mass. Would you like to get involved? Please come to our Ministry Fair. For a table to promote your parish organization, you may contact Annie Tardy at ([email protected]) by Sunday, Sept 29. Ava’s Grace … Is an online support group for those who’ve lost a child before or after birth. The monthly meetings offer spiritual, emotional and practical support. The support group meets on the third Wednesday of the month from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Please email Lisa Everett at [email protected] for the Zoom meeting link and password. Memorial Mass … For those who lost a child before or after birth will be held on Thursday, October 3 at 7:15 p.m. at St. Monica’s Parish in Mishawaka. You will have the opportunity to inscribe your child’s name in a Book of Remembrance, take home a silk rose to honor him or her, and pray together with others who have suffered the loss of a child. All are welcome including siblings, other family members, and friends. Marriage Course … What if setting intentional time aside one evening each week could transform your marriage? The (free) Marriage Course is a self-paced weekly series offered in English and Spanish and based on a film series featuring “regular” couples and relationship experts from around the world. There is time built right into each session for you and your spouse to discuss each week’s topic in the comfort and privacy of your own home using prompts. Start any time. To learn more, visit Pope’s Intention for the Month of September … For the cry of the earth. We pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of victims of natural disasters and climactic change, and that all will undertake to personally care for the world in which we live.
Saint of the Week … St. Vincent de Paul (27 September) was born in Pouy, France. He was a priest who founded the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) in 1625. St. Vincent worked for the renewal of the clergy and defended the poor and the abandoned. Along with St. Louise de Marillac they founded the Daughters of Charity. He died in 1660 in Paris, France. St. Vincent de Paul is the patron of charities, hospitals, and prisoners.