“Tolton From Slave to Priest” was a big success. The Monday night “Meet and Greet” supper was very good and the Tuesday night play was great. St. Joe’s Gym was just about full with many of our parishioners in attendance. The Tolton Society were great hosts at both events. Thank you for helping and thank to all the parishioners who attended.
I want to thank all those who worked so hard to make the Faith In Indiana Families-First Convention a success. 19 St. Augustine Parishioners attended. There were over 700 participants. Not bad for a new organizing effort! This Tuesday, April 24, the Father Tolton Play will be at St. Joe High School at 7 PM. We still have tickets for the play. Please see a Tolton Society member to buy one. They are only $5.00.
Save this date: April 24, the Father Tolton Play will be at St. Joe High School at 7 PM. We now have tickets for the play. Please see a Tolton Society member to buy one. They are only $5.00.