I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I also want to thank you for all the well wishes, cards and gifts. I really appreciate your generosity and friendship. And now have a Happy New Year!
Today is the Fourth and last Sunday of Advent. It has certainly flown by in a hurry. With Christmas just a few days away, let’s remember that the Advent readings were divided into two parts. The first part of Advent dealt with the second coming of Christ and the second part especially today deals with his coming as a baby in a manger in Bethlehem. Our prayer has been Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus. I hope we are ready for Christmas!
Today we celebrate Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent. We celebrate because Christmas is that much closer and Advent is nearly over. We still pray “Come Lord Jesus!” Maranatha!
Today one of the main characters of Advent makes his appearance, John the Baptist and what an appearance it is. John is “A voice of one crying out in the desert, Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his path.”