At our last Parochial Council Meeting, we discussed at length the make up of the Council. The Council meets once a month after the 10:30 AM Mass to discuss what’s going on in the parish. The meetings usually last from 12:15 – 1:45 PM. Sometimes they don’t even last that long. We are looking for some new members. If you are interested, please talk to a Council member about this. The list is on the front of the Bulletin.
We have started the 40 days of Lent, our solemn preparation for Easter. To help with fasting or eating less, there is a small magnet for your refrigerator. For helping the poor, you might use the Rice Bowls that go to Catholic Relief Services at the end of Lent or just be more generous to those in need.
We have started the 40 days of Lent, our solemn preparation for Easter. There are Lenten Calendars for adults, children and teens. There is an Ash Wednesday holy card. There is a small booklet with daily recollections. To help with fasting or eating less, there is a small magnet for your refrigerator.
In the Gospel on Ash Wednesday, Jesus gave us the three things we should do during Lent, Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. To help us pray a little more, we have several prayer aids in the foyer. There are Lenten Calendars for adults, children and teens. There is an Ash Wednesday holy card. There is a small booklet with daily recollections.