What does it mean for us to be Christians? It certainly should be more than a title that we use to identify the faith that we profess. Today’s world needs us to live that faith now more than ever. However, it’s a challenge because it demands a way of life that will often place us in situations, and taking stands, that go against our increasingly secular society.
As was announced last week, this Sunday is the annual Mission Appeal. Please welcome Fr. Richard Veevin, SAC to St. A’s. A second collection will be taken up to assist the Pallottine Fathers and their ministry. You may make checks out to St. A’s and the monies collected will be forwarded. Please be sure to put “Mission Appeal” on the memo line. THANK YOU for your generosity!
Next Sunday, October 20, we will have the annual Mission Appeal. The Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) will send a priest to preach about their work. I’ve been asked to share the following letter of introduction with you a week before they arrive at St. A’s.
Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed countless threats to human life. The war between Russia and Ukraine is in its third year. Gaza and Israel have been battling since October. Another war has broken out in Lebanon. There are wars in other parts of the world that continue but don’t garner news headlines. Innocent lives have been lost. People have been displaced from their homes. Children have been separated from their parents. Food and water are scarce. Famine is a reality for so many people. We have much to pray for and about this month as we reflect on our common call to RESPECT LIFE!