Mass Schedule … The president of our Parish Pastoral Council, Alfred Guillaume, and I have decided to keep the one Sunday Mass at 9:30 through the month of September so that the Parish Pastoral Council can have a discussion about it at their meeting in mid-September.
Mass Schedule … A number of parishioners have told me that they like the one Mass at 9:30 and wonder if we can continue with this schedule. They’ve said that they “like seeing people from the other Mass that they normally wouldn’t see on Sunday;” “it’s made for more family time on Sunday;” and “they like the fuller church.” My response to each person has been that my intention was to return to the regular schedule, but a change would need to come from the parishioners. Therefore, if you have an opinion, one way or another, please send me an email ([email protected]). I’ve been asked if we can vote on it, so I would be open to doing that before Mass in the weeks ahead.
From Pope Francis … This was posted on the Catholic News Agency website last week and it’s worth bringing to one’s personal prayer and reflection:
“What would happen if we prayed more and complained less?” Pope Francis asked Aug. 2 on his official profile on X. He then invited the faithful to ask the Lord for “the grace to know how to pray for one another.”
Last but not least … The Annual St. Augustine’s Parish picnic will be held on Sunday, August 25th, from 1:00 – 6:00 pm.
Where: St. Patrick’s County Park (Laurel Road north of Auten Road) --- The Berta Shelter.
St. Augustine’s pays for the park entry fee. Tell the guard at the gate that you are with St. A’s.
Time: We will eat at 1:30. Food will be served until 3:00.
Food: St. A’s will provide chicken, pop and water.
Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share.