After Mass last Sunday you voted on whether we would remain with one Sunday Mass or return to two Masses. As I stated in my letter to you last week, and at the end of Mass, “this is your parish and I will respect the outcome of the vote.”
Last Saturday the Parish Pastoral Council had their first meeting after a summer break. They were updated on projects that had taken place over the past few months. The main topic of the meeting was the Mass schedule and upcoming parish vote.
This weekend we kick off the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. This is a yearly fundraising campaign that helps meet the physical and spiritual needs of the Diocese of Fort Wayne – South Bend, funding roughly half of the central diocesan operation budget. The diocesan-wide goal is divided among parishes, with each parish goal set from an algorithm considering the past year’s offertory income and the past three years of appeal donations. All donations above a parish goal are returned to the parish.
I’ve been reading a small booklet entitled, “Lord, Teach Us to Pray” by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P. during my personal prayer time. I’ve found it to be a good source for meditation. I thought that I’d spend the next few columns sharing parts of his writings in order to give you some spiritual food for thought. As people of faith, we must always be working on our spiritual lives and at the very heart of that is prayer, which find us cultivating a relationship with God.
I’d like to shout out a tremendous THANK YOU to Cecilia Newbill (chairperson) and Denisa Lynk who did an excellent job with the parish picnic. It was a wonderful gathering of parishioners last Sunday. And the many hands that helped with clean-up was also appreciated! The 2025 picnic is scheduled for Sunday, 24 August.