It is very cold here in Colorado. But I remain grateful for the good health that allows old guys like me to continue to enjoy the sport of skiing. I am scheduled to return on Saturday evening, February 1. But knowing the ups and downs of winter travel, Father Augustine is on deck to take the Mass next Sunday, just in case.
Thank you for your very warm welcome last Sunday. I am so sorry that I will be away for these next two weeks. I had scheduled the time away last year, counting on my new status as a retired priest. As you know, that has changed. I am grateful to Father John Santone for all the ways he has organized the administration of Saint Augustine. But, for me, it is a daunting task. Although I had served as pastor of two large parishes in the last forty years, I never had to deal with some of these administrative tasks. So, in my absence, please contact Deacon Mel Tardy if you need help or have any questions. Once returned, I will have time to figure all of this out.
I am honored that Bishop Rhoades has appointed me as Administrator of Saint Augustine and look forward to celebrating Mass with you this Sunday. I have been retired since July 1 and will serve at Saint Augustine until June 4, when Bishop Rhoades will be able to appoint a more permanent pastor.
This week I was reading an article about the decline in church attendance and the closing of parishes. The article focused on the process taking place in the Diocese of Buffalo (NY), while also reflecting on how this is not a “Catholic problem” but a reality for all faiths.