To serve the needs of youth and their families within our parish and neighborhood; to involve youth in church life; to develop youth leaders; to evangelize and catechize interested youth; to advocate for youth; to create awareness of Catholic opportunities and resources for youth; to help families develop youth into responsible, Christian adults.
All adults who lead, volunteer or interact with St. A's youth MUST undergo a background check and diocesan safe environment training; and MUST practice those protocols.
St. A's Youth Ministry is adjusting to COVID by always practicing safety protocols (masks, sanitizer, social distancing), by providing both in-person AND virtual options when possible (for example, Sacramental prep), and by offering more asynchronous opportunities (virtual or other materials/activities that families can do per their own schedules). We welcome new ideas!
Youth are not the future church; they are our present church! For more info, contact parish Youth Ministers: Deacon Mel Tardy and Annie Tardy.